King God Castle Tier List: All Characters Ranked

| Updated On : April 21, 2024 |
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Welcome to the King God Castle Tier List! Here, we have ranked all the characters in this popular role-playing game according to their power level, skills, and usefulness in various game scenarios.

From the strongest to the weakest, we have carefully evaluated each character to provide you with an accurate representation of their strengths and weaknesses.

Whether you are a beginner or a veteran, this tier list will help you decide which characters you should use to get the most out of your game experience. So let’s dive right in and start!

Key Highlights
  • Each hero in the King God Castle game has a unique skill set.
  • A character’s health, spell power, and attack speed determine how powerful they are. Rankings also take into account passive skills.
  • Among King God Castle’s ten most incredible heroes are Leonhardt and Zupitere. These champions are ready for the toughest challenges: Hansi, Behemus, Asiaq, Bombie, Lyca, Mel, Luniare, Zuo Yun, and Zupitere!
  • The characters who aren’t strong enough to complete King God Castle’s final objective are Rossette, Lily, Evan, Ren, and Rahawk.
  • Choose high-ranked units or units that fit your style of play to win King God Castle.

King God Castle Tier List

PvE (Player vs Environment)


  • Aramis
  • Evan
  • Luniare
  • Mel
  • Zuo Yun


  • Bardrey
  • Hela
  • Lily
  • Mirsyl
  • Shelda
  • Tia
  • Zuo Bai


  • Alberon
  • Bombie
  • Cain
  • Chung-Ah
  • Hansi
  • Leonhardt
  • Mara
  • Rahawk
  • Zupitere


  • Daniel
  • Haerang
  • Lyca
  • Ren
  • Rosette
  • Yeon


  • Agathe
  • Asaip
  • Behemus
  • Draco
  • Jol
  • Neria
  • Priya
  • Taesan

PvP (Player vs Player)


  • Aramis
  • Behemus
  • Luniare
  • Shelda
  • Zupitere


  • Agathe
  • Bombie
  • Cain
  • Daniel
  • Evan
  • Haerang
  • Hela


  • Asaip
  • Bardrey
  • Draco
  • Jol
  • Leonhardt
  • Lyca
  • Priya
  • Yeon
  • Zuo Yun


  • Alberon
  • Hansi
  • Lily
  • Rahawk
  • Taesan


  • Chung Ah
  • Neria
  • Ren
  • Rosette

Unit Descriptions



Aramis is a versatile and powerful hero used in many different team compositions. His long-range attacks deal massive damage, allowing him to take out opponents before they can even reach him.

He can easily get you to King God in PvP with the right build and can be relied on to carry any team through tough fights. Aramis is a hero to be reckoned with.

PvE: S PvP: S



Luniare is an amazing unit when awakened to level 12. She is an essential part of almost every build and provides your carries with extra damage bonuses, shields, blocks, and speed boosts.

As she is ranked up, the stats she can give you increase to 150%, giving her Spell Power and ATK items that she can bless your characters with more beneficial.

She is also a Hero Lock character, meaning you can get a high-ranked unit from the start of the game. She is a must-have for all players!

PvE: S PvP: S



Mel is an incredibly powerful character when used in the right team composition. She is most effective in raids due to her ability to deal with massive boss damage and is also great for clearing chapters.

Her stun ability in PvP, followed by her AoE damage, can be devastating against opponents. Overall, Mel is one of the strongest characters in the game.

PvE: SPvP: A

Zuo Yun
Zuo Yun

Zuo Yun

Zuo Yun is a great choice for PvE raid builds, thanks to his impressive damage output and attack drain. He can dish out high amounts of damage without risking dying, making him the perfect pick for taking down tough bosses.


PvE: S PvP: B



Evan is a powerful character for both PvE and PvP content. He is like Link from the Zelda series, and his Hero Skill is incredibly strong.

On the max level, it can cover the whole map, and with enough spell power, it can take out a whole screen in one go. His awakened ability also allows him to hit enemies from a distance with a slash attack, making him even more dangerous. With Mask, two Evans can easily wipe the screen clean.

PvE: S PvP: A



Agathe’s main use in the PvP realm is that she can take huge hits without dying, giving her as much health as other popular gods.

Her skill allows her to heal surrounding teammates when they are hit, reducing the damage she takes. Her better-awakened ability allows surrounding teammates to heal when she dies.

PvE: D PvP: A



Alberon is the best healer in the game, making him indispensable for PvE content such as raids.

He is one of five Hero Lock characters and excels when used alongside tanks or teams with high crowd control, allowing him to restore their health while the team chips away at their enemies.

PvE: B PvP: C


Asaip doesn’t have many uses in KGC yet, but she can be an incredible asset in PvP builds focusing on stunning opponents. Her skills make her a great choice for those looking to dominate PvP.

PvE: D PvP: B


Bardrey is a powerful Hero Lock character that can make a huge difference in team composition. Her team mana regeneration can lead to massive increases in healing, damage, and crowd control. She is utilized in PvE and PvP and is often featured in the strongest meta builds.

PvE: A PvP: B


Behemus is an incredibly powerful unit in Player vs. Player (PvP) combat. His push-back and taunt awakened ability with damage reduction make it difficult for enemies to ignore him. This makes it easier for melee units to reach the back line to deal maximum damage. When paired with teleport units like Mara or Cain, Behemus can disrupt Hela’s spell-casting before she can cause a lot of damage.

PvE: D PvP: S


Bombie was once a powerful unit in PvE and PvP but has since been nerfed. However, he is still a great option in PvP builds, especially once you unlock his ‘Mega Bomb’ awakened ability.


PvE: B PvP: A


In PvE, Cain is most often used in Chapter 9 to dodge bombs and take out backline enemies. In PvP, his Extort Awakening gives your team a huge power boost by granting them many buffs.


PvE: B PvP: A

Chung Ah

Chung Ah is a great character for new players to get started with, as her Hero Lock will get you to mid-game content easily. Unfortunately, her damage and health are not high enough to be a real powerhouse in the game’s later stages, so she is not commonly used in PvP.

PvE: B PvP: D


Daniel is a powerful PvP unit with a massive health pool, making him hard to take down. His ability to stun opponents makes him a great ally in PvE battles. He’s a reliable fighter who’s tough to beat.


PvE: C PvP: A


Draco is great for PvP but isn’t used much in PvE. His ‘Concentrated Flame’ ability transforms him into a fire-breathing dragon, letting him take out enemies with his spell drain. This makes him a great choice for certain solo fights.

PvE: D PvP: B



Evan is a powerful character for both PvE and PvP content. He is like Link from the Zelda series, and his Hero Skill is incredibly strong.

On the max level, it can cover the whole map, and with enough spell power, it can take out a whole screen in one go. His awakened ability also allows him to hit enemies from a distance with a slash attack, making him even more dangerous. With Mask, two Evans can easily wipe the screen clean.

PvE: S PvP: A



Haerang is a great asset to have in PvP battles. His triple stun at level 8 lets you take the upper hand immediately and defeat your opponents quickly. When paired with other heroes like Mara and Behemus, you can ensure that your opponents won’t be able to get a single attack off before you finish them off. Unfortunately, Haerang is not as useful in PvE chapters.

PvE: C PvP: A


Hansi used to be a powerful queen, but she has been nerfed since then. Nowadays, she is mainly used in PvE Raid content, and some standard chapter builds that require a ranged damage dealer.

PvE: B PvP: C


Hela is a powerful unit for both PvP and PvE battles. She excels at clearing chapters with her solo hero lock builds or a Hela gang build with the Rapid Sword Relic. Her ability to deal with massive AoE damage makes her a top pick for any group of units. Her awakened ability doubles the damage of one of her spell casts, making her a force to be reckoned with.

PvE: A PvP: A


Jol, who had been dormant for a long time, has recently been utilized in competitive PvP teams due to his powerful ability to become immune to crowd control.


PvE: D PvP: B



In any PvE team composition that requires a tank, Kise is considered one of the best in the game. His abilities are extremely useful, but he becomes less effective when attempting high-level team compositions in an arena or clearing difficult PvE content. Shelda, in particular, outshines Kise once awakened.

PvE: B PvP: B


Lily is an excellent Hero Lock character for clearing chapter 10 content. Her C10 enemies will focus on her while she is immune to damage, protecting your damage dealers. Although not often used in PvP, she is a great self-healing tank. Her low HP means she is often targeted by C10 enemies that teleport right to the lowest HP unit.

PvE: A PvP: C


Lyca is a great choice for PvE, as their Hero, Lockability, makes them strong in the early stages of PvP. However, they can be outshone by other team compositions because of their lack of versatility.

PvE: C PvP: B



Mara is a powerful assassin who can dish out massive damage, stun her opponents, and block incoming attacks. Her single-target capabilities make her a great pick for taking out enemies quickly and efficiently. Pair her up with Behemus to create a stunning combo that can cause headaches for entire enemy teams.

PvE: B PvP: A


In both PvP and raid compositions, Mirsyl is an invaluable asset. Her awakened ability allows her to remove crowd control, making it a great counter against stun teams in PvP. She provides great sustain for her team in raids, making her a key player in any team composition.

PvE: A PvP: A


Neria is a relatively new character in King God Castle, but her abilities don’t offer much utility. It appears she was meant for PvE content, but she needs some updates to make her viable.


PvE: D PvP: D


Priya is a great choice for PvP, as she can stun-lock enemies. However, her damage output isn’t as high as other units, making her a slower choice when clearing chapters. Although she can still do the job, other characters can do it just as well but with more damage.

PvE: D PvP: B


In PvP, Rahawk’s rank can vary significantly depending on the meta characters. In PvE, his Level 8 skill ability boosts damage dealt to raid bosses by 10%, making him a great pick for PvE content but not as good in chapters.

PvE: B PvP: C


Ren recently received a buff that made her more viable in PvE content and some PvP teams, but she’s still not as powerful as other team comps. Her update gave her a bonus move speed after kills for PvE, making her more enjoyable to use, but didn’t make any major improvements to her overall effectiveness.

PvE: C PvP: D


In a 1v1 situation, Rosette can be a powerful tool, providing a 15% damage boost to raid bosses at level 12. But unless you’re willing to invest resources in her awakening, she’s not very useful in other situations and generally weak in the current meta.


PvE: C PvP: D


With her awakening, Shelda is a force to be reckoned with in both PvP and PvE. Her awakened ability allows her to block incoming attacks and build up even more shields, making her a formidable tank. Increase her Spell Power, and she’ll be an unstoppable powerhouse.

PvE: A PvP: S


Taesan is a PvP character, often used in teams that rely on stun-locking opponents. Unfortunately, his kit can be a bit awkward to use, and his overall effectiveness depends on the positioning of enemies, making him unreliable. As a result, his ranking in this tier list is relatively low. Unfortunately, he’s pretty much useless in PvE content.

PvE: D PvP: C


Tia is a great damage dealer in both PvP and PvE, with a kit that lets her deal sustained damage or go defensive without sacrificing DPS. She can fit into many team compositions depending on which awakened ability you choose to use. Her ability to avoid melee characters with skill disrupts the enemy’s positioning, making her a safe choice. If Tia takes out an enemy, her next skill will be super powerful.

PvE: A PvP: A


Yeon is a PvP character specialized in healing friendly targets and damaging enemies. Her healing ability can be unpredictable, so using a more reliable healer is more reliable. It would be more effective if her healing ability were an instantaneous chain healing rather than a splashing healing wave.

PvE: C PvP: B

zuoYunZuo Bai

Zuo Bai is a formidable force in Player v Player (PvP) and Player v Environment (PvE) battles. He excels in Arena, where his ability to quickly eliminate enemy backlines and reduce damage taken after using his skill allows him to stay alive longer.


PvE: A PvP: A


Zupitere is an amazing unit for Player Versus Player (PvP) battles. She can quickly focus on any target, enemy, or tank, and her chain lightning ability will damage all enemies in the back line. Her fast attack speed and a +1 range on her bow allow her to take down an entire team quickly.

PvE: B PvP: S

Roshan Khausiya is an avid gamer passionate about playing games and exploring the virtual world. His love for gaming started at a very young age, and he has since then devoted most of his time to mastering different games across various platforms. Follow Him on Linkedin and Twitter.