How to evolve units in Anime Adventures?

| Updated On : June 19, 2023 |
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Roblox’s Anime Adventures is a thrilling tower defense game featuring familiar-looking characters. As the rounds progress, you’ll have to protect your base from increasingly powerful waves of enemies.

Evolving your units is a great way to maximize your gaming potential and stay ahead of the competition.

In this article, we will explain how to evolve your units in Roblox’s Anime Adventures, including the types of evolution, how to acquire the materials needed, and the best strategies for success.

How to get units in Anime Adventures

You’ll need to use Gems, the game’s premium currency, to get new units in Anime Adventures. Summoning new units is easy: spend Gems, and they’ll be added to your team. Here is a step-by-step guide to do so

Step 1: If you want to start playing Anime Adventures, press the Summon button on the left side of the game screen to open the summon window.

Step 2: You have two options when summoning units: buy one for 50 or 10 for 500 gems.

Step 3: Once you’ve chosen the appropriate option, you will be teleported to the summon area.

teleport in anime adventures

What Units Can You Evolve?

If you want to collect the rarest units, you’ll want to check the Summon Area in the Hub Area every hour. Here you’ll find a rotating selection of four Mythic rarity characters that can be evolved past their base form. This is the only way to get these powerful units, so watch for the chance to snag them!

CharacterEvolve RequirementEvolved Bonus
BrolyRestraining NecklaceAn extra 20% damage and 50% range.
MadaraTwo Divine Eye.An ability named Susanoo Fire and an extra 20% damage.
All MightTwo Ultrasteel BladeExtra 40% damage, ten percent less cooldown, and a knockback on their ability.
LeviShining Extract.An extra 30% damage and 25% critical damage chance.

Getting Lelouch (Secret) is a bit of a long shot since he’s not an evolvable unit. Reports suggest King’s Idol might be required to obtain Lelouch, but since his chance of appearing in any given summon is so low, you might be able to get him without needing to rely on the currently active banner.

How to Evolve Units in Anime Adventures

If you want to evolve a unit, you’ll need three things: owning the character, having the items they need to evolve, and having enough gold coins.

Acquiring the unit can be challenging, as it can only be obtained through sheer luck. The best way to do this is to keep playing and wait for the right moment when an evolved character appears rather than throwing a lot of gems at the vendor in the hopes of getting it.

Spend your gems wisely and take advantage of the sympathy meter at the unit vendor! This meter guarantees that your next unit will be of that level if you don’t get a legendary or mythic rarity unit after spending enough gems.

If you want to evolve your creature, you have two options – purchase the necessary items from the traveling merchant near the summoning hub, or craft them at Beeruh’s shop in the evolve hub.


The merchant is convenient, but there’s no guarantee they’ll have the items you need, so it’s a matter of luck.

You’ll need gold coins if you’re serious about evolving your units. Fortunately, you can easily get gold coins by selling off the normal rarity units you no longer need. It’s a great way to make some extra cash while clearing up your inventory.

Selling extra items in your inventory is a great way to ensure you have enough gold coins to evolve your units when the time comes. Not only will this help you to de-clutter your inventory, but having 7,000 coins ready could be beneficial.

Roshan Khausiya is an avid gamer passionate about playing games and exploring the virtual world. His love for gaming started at a very young age, and he has since then devoted most of his time to mastering different games across various platforms. Follow Him on Linkedin and Twitter.