Rush Royale Tier List – Best Cards and Decks

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| Updated On : April 18, 2024 |
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Rush Royale is a tower defense game that will put your strategic abilities to the test. As you progress through the levels, you will face increasingly challenging opponents, and the difficulty will only increase with each new tier.

We’ve put together this Rush Royale tier list to help you make the most of your game by informing you of the best characters and strategies to use throughout the game. With this guide, you can ensure that your team is well-prepared to face whatever challenges may emerge.

Rush Royale Tier List – Best Cards

The Rush Royale cards are listed in order of power and versatility, from the strongest (S tier) to the weakest (D tier).

Harlequin – S Tier

Harlequin is the ultimate rush card in Rush Royale! Merge two bad boys to create another one – it’s like cloning your cards!

You can unlock this legendary card when you reach arena rank 9, so keep pushing forward and get your hands on this amazing card.

Unit Type: Special
Grade: Legendary
Damage: 60
Target: First
Tier List Rank: Tier 1(OP)

Vampire Card – S Tier

The Vampire can summon a powerful lord who will fight alongside your other cards. The Vampire lord can damage all adjacent cards, making it a great card in your deck when facing off against multiple enemies. It also can heal itself, making it a great choice when fighting against a single enemy.

Unit Type: Support
Type: First
Damage: 50
Grade: Epic Card
Tier List Rank: Tier 1(OP)

Dryad – Top Tier

the Dryad is a strong defensive card with a lot of punch! This card is perfect for players who like to play defensively and build defense walls around their towers.

The Dryad has a 9-cell range and deals magical damage to all enemies in its route. It also has a passive ability that boosts its attack power by 10% whenever it attacks an enemy. This card is perfect for players who want to slow down their opponents and gain a competitive edge.

Grade: Legendary
Type: Support
Target: First
Damage: 50
Tier List Rank: Tier 1(OP)

Engineer – S Tier;

With its ability to repair, heal, and protect your towers, the Engineer is a key part of any successful strategy in Rush Royale.

The Engineer is a defensive powerhouse, able to repair damaged towers, heal friendly units, and even provide temporary shields to protect your towers from harm.

It can also be used offensively, with its ability to deploy a powerful turret that can shoot down enemies from a distance.

Damage: 350
Grade: Epic
Unlocks at arena two rank
Type: Damage
Tier List Rank: Tier 1(Best To OP)

Boreas – S Tier

The Boreas card is a tank-type card that can take and dish out much damage. It also has a powerful freeze ability, temporarily freezing an enemy card, replicating its inability to move or attack.

This makes it an excellent defensive card and can help you turn the tide in your favor. Moreover, the Boreas card looks good with its icy blue and white colors.

Damage: 140
Grade: Legendary
Unlocks at arena 4
Type: Damage
Tier List Rank: Tier 1

Summoner – S Tier:

Summoner ,Rush Royale Tier List

Summoner are special cards that allow players to summon powerful units to their side of the battlefield, providing them with a benefit. These cards offer tremendous benefits, especially when combined with other cards in the deck.

Damage: 50
Unit Type: Support
Target: First
Unlocks at Arena 11
Tier List Rank: Tier 1

Shaman – S Tier:

The Shaman is a powerful spellcaster, capable of casting powerful spells that can help you get the upper hand in any battle. With its ability to summon powerful minions, buff your troops, and even heal your castle, the Shaman can be a powerful ally in your quest for victory.

It also can transform into an eagle, allowing it to fly above the battlefield and scout out the enemy’s position. With its aerial view, the Shaman can easily identify enemy weaknesses and plan your next move accordingly.

Damage: 50
Unit Type: Special
Target: First
Unlocks at arena 13
Tier List Rank: Tier 1

Rush Royale Tier List Guide: A Tier Cards

The A-tier cards are the best in Rush Royale if you’re looking for the best cards. These are the best cards available and will give you the edge you need to win.

Mime – A Tier


With the ability to mimic any card in the game, the Mime has the potential to be one of the most versatile cards in your arsenal. Whether you need to copy an enemy’s card to outsmart them or copy your card to double its effect, it is the best rush royal card.

Grade: Epic Card
Unit Type: Special
Target: First
Unlocks at arena 4
Tier List Rank: Tier 2(Good To Best)

Bombardier – A Tier


With the Bombardier card, you can unleash a devastating barrage of bombs on your opponents, wreaking havoc on their troops and towers! Watch as your enemies scramble to survive the explosive onslaught, and reap the rewards of their destruction!

Type: Debuff
Damage: 110
Stun Chances: 12% at MAX
Stun Duration: 5s at MAX

Frost – A Tier ~ B+ Tier


The ability to freeze enemies in their tracks is a great way to buy time, allowing you to plan your next move and maximize your strategy.

Not only does it stop enemies in their tracks, but it also damages them while they are frozen! It has a splash damage effect so that multiple enemies can be frozen simultaneously.

Inquisitor – A Tier

Its active skill is particularly useful since it can stun an enemy for a few seconds, allowing your other cards to do more damage. Inquisitor also has a passive skill that increases the damage of all your cards in the lane it’s in.

Grade: Legendary
Type: Damage
Damage: X240
Target: First

Plague Doctor – A Tier

The Plague Doctor is a sorcerer-type creature with various tricks. Its powerful spellcasting abilities allow it to quickly cast multiple spells, making it a great addition to any deck.

Plague Doctor also has various passive abilities that can help your team in a pinch. It’s also immune to damage from magical attacks and can provide some much-needed defense to your team.

Damage: X520 at MAX
Unit Type: Debuff
Trap Damage: X520 at MAX
Trap Duration: 4.2 Seconds at MAX

Chemist – A Tier


The Chemist is a mid-level card with medium health and attack. Its special ability is to throw a flask of acid at its enemies, causing them to take damage over time.

Damage: 110 at MAX
Armor Destruction: 43%
Unit Type: Debuff
Target: First

Here are some articles that can help you ace rush royale:

Tier List Rank: Tier 2(Good to Best)

Hex – A Tier ~ B Tier

Hex Cards come in three different rarities – Common, Epic, and Legendary – and each card is represented by a unique symbol that determines its power level. Common cards are the weakest, Legendary cards are the strongest, and Epic cards are somewhere between.

Once summoned, Hex Cards can attack your opponent’s creatures, defend your own, or cast powerful spells. Every card has a unique ability that can be used effectively.

Grade: Legendary
Unit Type: Support
Target: _
Instant Kill Chance: 3%

Rush Royale Tier List Guide: B Tier Cards

This Rush Royale tier list guide will focus on the B-tier cards. These cards are powerful and provide excellent value but are less powerful than the A-tier cards. So, let’s look at the various B-tier cards you can use in your decks.


  • Wind Archer
  • Priestess
  • Portal Keeper
  • Cold Mage
  • Hunter
  • Thunderer
  • Wind Archer
  • Zealot

Rush Royale Tier List Guide: Weak Tier Cards

The weakest-tier cards are less powerful than the B-tier cards and can be easily defeated by stronger ones. They are best used in the early game to create a strong economy or as a distraction for your stronger cards.


  • Poisoner
  • Mage Cauldron
  • Banner
  • Grindstone
  • Reaper
  • Lightning Mage
  • Alchemist
  • Thrower
  • Sharpshooter
  • Rogue
  • Crystalmancer
  • Archer
  • Demon Hunter
  • Demonologist
  • Knight Statue
  • Clock of Power
  • Stasis
  • Trapper

Rush Royale Best Deck Sets

If you want to build the best Rush Royale deck, consider including some B and C-tier cards. These cards are extremely potent and can be used in various ways. Here are a few of the best decks:

  • Best PvP Deck Set: Harlequin + Mime + Shaman + Summoner + Boreas
  • Best PvP Deck Set: Harlequin + Cold Mage + Dryad + Summoner + Inquisitor
  • Co-Op Best Deck Set: Harlequin + Zealot + Bombardier + Chemist + Magic Cauldron
  • Co-Op Good Deck Set: Harlequin + Mime + Shaman + Summoner + Engineer
  • Good PvP Deck Set: Harlequin + Cold Mage + Mime + Summoner + Inquisitor

Final Words:

Overall, the Rush Royale tier list is valuable for gamers who want to play competitively. It’s essential to remember that the list is meant to be a guide, not a definitive answer, and that everyone’s playstyle is unique.

Finally, the best way to succeed in Rush Royale is to practice and learn to use your heroes as effectively as possible. You can make informed decisions about which heroes to level up and which to drop with the help of the tier list, enhancing your skills and potential to win.

Kamal Pandey is a seasoned gaming enthusiast and a prolific writer known for his expertise in the dynamic realms of PC and Android gaming. With an insatiable passion for interactive entertainment, he has immersed himself in the gaming world, honing his skills as a player and a content creator. Follow Him on Twitter.