How To Get Free Legendary Cards In Rush Royale?

| Updated On : April 19, 2024 |
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Are you ready to become an unstoppable force in Rush Royale? 

Regarding dominating card games, legendary cards are the gold standard. These cards are the ones that can make or break a deck’s success, and players will go to great lengths to get their hands on them.  From unique and powerful abilities to game-changing mechanics, it can tip the scales in ways regular cards simply can’t.

But getting them is a challenging task, and if you are a rush royale beginner, it might be a bit hard. Luck is a huge factor in obtaining these rare cards, and opening a legendary chest can be a nerve-wracking experience that could leave you with the same card ten times in a row. With this tutorial’s help, you can learn to get Get Legendary Cards in Rush Royale, so without delay, let’s begin:

Best ways to get Legendary Cards in Rush Royale:

1. Trophies:

The best way to snag one is by climbing up that trophy ladder! The higher your trophies, the better your chances.  Don’t worry if it’s taking forever because you’ll face bots and win quickly when you start. Just learn from your losses and swap up your cards for better synergy.

trophies in rush royale

Before you know it, you’ll hit that sweet spot of 1950 trophies and get your guaranteed legendary card.

2. Season Rewards:

Being a Free-to-Play player in any game can be challenging, but don’t worry because there are ways to level up and earn some awesome stuff. In this game, gaining 103 levels throughout a single season is the key to unlocking a guaranteed legendary card from a legendary chest. 

season rewards

However, this is a challenging feat because it takes dedication and time to reach this level. The good news is that completing daily quests can help you achieve this goal.

Remember to watch for other chests because they contain magic dust that can accumulate, leading to even more legendary cards.

3. Currency

Magic Dust

Magic dust is a valuable resource that can be used to acquire some of the game’s rarest and most elusive cards. However, only expect to get a little of this stuff overnight. 

One of the most common ways to obtain magic dust is by opening chests, particularly the coveted gold chest. 

magic dust

You can earn it through various event rewards and watching ads at the end of a challenging PvP match. Remember that while magic dust is worth the effort, it won’t guarantee an instant win. So, take your time, strategize wisely, and keep earning that magic dust until you have 1000 pieces. Once you’ve hit this milestone, you can trade them for a random legendary card in the Shop.

Crystals :

In the store of this game, you will find a wide range of boxes that can be purchased with crystals in the expectation of getting new and rare cards. 

While there are other possibilities, I recommend the Archmage’s chest, which costs 999 crystals. This chest lets you choose between two random legendary cards, unlike the others.


It’s a valuable and exciting opportunity that improves your chances of getting the card you’ve been looking for. As gamers, we recognize the importance of collecting the greatest cards to advance our games, and with this chest, you may achieve just that. The suspense of finding whatever legendary card you have been given may be as exciting as the gameplay itself.

Special Offers:

You’ll be met with flashy and appealing “Special Offers” when you launch the app, making you stop and stare. These deals are worth considering since they include rare and strong legendary cards, some of which are rare and difficult to obtain. 

special offers

These limited-time offers frequently contain rare legendary cards that are generally difficult to purchase with in-game currency. It’s not uncommon to see a bundle include multiple of these valued cards that can provide a considerable edge to a player. 

These promos are intended to thank players for their effort and loyalty to the game, making them feel appreciated and respected. Before deciding whether to spend your hard-earned money on these deals, it’s often worth examining the pros and cons, but the potential for epic rewards makes them worth considering.


Participating in tournaments is the only way to get legendary cards. These events, which include Mirror Match, Rush for Glory, and Royal Trials, offer a variety of tasks and reward systems. 

events rush royale

Players may increase their rewards by performing well in certain events, boosting their ability to obtain powerful cards. Only those who achieve first in these competitions may guarantee a legendary card. 

As a result, players may need to engage in many events and collect enough magic dust to obtain the desired card. Royal Trials is the only event allowing participants to earn a legendary unit – the Robot.

Clan Tournament

The dynamic battle sets five clans against one another, each clan competing for victory to win valuable points toward their ultimate goal. 

clan tournament in Rush Royale
clan tournament in Rush Royale


Clan warfare requires skill, strategy, and careful planning as clans compete in wild games to destroy opposing defenses utterly. The objective is within sight, but the path to the summit is loaded with challenges. Conversely, the reward is worth the risk: a legendary chest for each winning clan member who contributed to the victory.


We hope you enjoyed our tutorial on how to get legendary cards in Rush Royale. If you have any questions, comment below.

Roshan Khausiya is an avid gamer passionate about playing games and exploring the virtual world. His love for gaming started at a very young age, and he has since then devoted most of his time to mastering different games across various platforms. Follow Him on Linkedin and Twitter.