Roblox Royale High Summer Halo Answers

| Updated On : April 19, 2024 |
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Making a wish at the Fountain of Dreams is the only way to get your hands on the sought-after Halo from the Roblox Royale High Summer 2025 event.

If you select the right answer, you could be one of the lucky ones to add this to your collection! However, you’ll need to be patient, as wishes can only be made every 2 hours.

It is also important to remember that some possible outcomes may result in the loss of Diamonds, so weigh the pros and cons before making your wish!

Summer Halo stories – Roblox Royale High


Last checked on: July 01, 2025

Status: Working

StoryOption AOption BOption COption D
1.Deciding what to search for while scuba diving+Diamonds +Diamonds+Diamonds-Diamonds
2.Falling off the bridge, turning into a merperson, and deciding what to do about the underwater castle+Diamonds+Diamonds+Diamonds+Diamonds
3.Choosing a summer job+Diamonds+Diamonds+Diamonds+Diamonds
4.Deciding which island to explore on your jet ski+Diamonds+Diamonds-Diamonds+Diamonds
Choosing a treat at Frostbite Frozen Delights+Diamonds+Diamonds+Diamonds+Diamonds
Deciding where to visit first at the Diamond Beach carnival+Diamonds+Diamonds+Diamonds-Diamonds
Teleporting to the cave and deciding how to face the sea monster+Diamonds-Diamonds+Diamonds+Diamonds
Choosing which team to play with during the volleyball match+Diamonds+Diamonds+Diamonds-Diamonds
Taking an amulet from Fenix the sea spirit messenger+Diamonds+Diamonds+Diamonds+XP
Finding something in the sand during Naomi's seashell contest+Diamonds+Diamonds+Diamonds+Diamonds
Deciding what to do about Dominic and his missing rescue tube+Diamonds+Diamonds+Diamonds+Diamonds
Deciding what to do about the lady with the missing Beauty Pageant stylist+Diamonds+Diamonds+XP+Diamonds
Finding the aquamarine necklace on the beach and deciding what to do with it+Diamonds-Diamonds+Diamonds+Diamonds
Hearing a whisper and choosing a summer activity+Diamonds-Diamonds+Diamonds+Diamonds
Choosing a surfboard to use for the surfing competition+Diamonds+Diamonds+Diamonds+Diamonds

How do the Fountain Answers work?

Answering correctly won’t guarantee a halo, but it might land you some diamonds, a random amount of XP, or, if you’re lucky, a halo. Your chances of winning a halo by answering correctly are only 10%, so you’ll need to invest some diamonds to increase your chances.

  • Win diamonds: 30%
  • Lose diamonds: 30%
  • Win a random amount of XP: 30
  • Win a Halo: 10%

We’ll keep this guide updated with the correct answers for all new halos as they become available so, don’t forget to bookmark this page 🙂

How to Make a Wish in the Fountain of Dreams?

Follow these steps inorder to make a wish:

Step 1: Head to Divinia Park on the map and run down the path until you find the fountain.

fountain of dreams in Royale High

Step 2: Click on the fountain to start the wishing process.

make wish in Royale High

Step 3: Check the Missions App on your phone to see when the fountain’s power has regenerated.

Step 4: Make another wish when the fountain is ready!


What is the rarest halos in royale high?

The Glimmering Light Halo is a rare and highly sought-after item, with a price tag of 4,000,000 diamonds, so it’s the rarest halo in royale high.

How do you get the new Royale high in halo 2023?

You can use the above codes to get new royale highs in Halo.

Why is it so hard to get a halo in royale high?

Halos are rare and hard-to-obtain accessories typically rewarded after completing challenging tasks. They can be obtained by chance from the Divinia Park fountain or an event map. Other times, they may be awarded for providing qualifying story answers or completing difficult tasks. No matter how you acquire one, Halos are a great way to show off your status.


We have tried to cover up all Summer 2023 events, and if we have missed then let us know in the comment section below. We will be pleased to add it. Thanks 🙂

Roshan Khausiya is an avid gamer passionate about playing games and exploring the virtual world. His love for gaming started at a very young age, and he has since then devoted most of his time to mastering different games across various platforms. Follow Him on Linkedin and Twitter.