King God Castle: The Complete Beginner’s Guide

| Updated On : April 19, 2024 |
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King God Castle is a great game that you can play. The game offers you a tower defense game, and you have to place your units so that the enemy will not be able to attack you.

You have to do this in each level, and you must defeat the enemies successfully, and here you have to protect the King God Castle.

General Things of the King God Castle

It takes cooperation to succeed in the game King God Castle. Double-tapping on it will enable you to do this. The game also has relics that provide rewards for completing missions. Players can advance more quickly in the game by taking advantage of these benefits.

It has many features to unlock, and players must invest up to 200 to 400 dollars to complete the process.

Players must complete their daily flags and collect relic keys and scrolls to progress quickly. Once they have obtained four of these, they must save all relics and scrolls.

The fourth chest you unlock daily in King God Castle gives you twice as many gifts. It is not advisable to redeem just one key or scroll, though, as your tally will reset daily. Every time, you need to take four of them.

The game has a 25-level maximum and challenging gameplay, so tracking your progress and fighting for victory is essential.

Why Is the Rapid Sword Relic So Good?

Rapid Sword accelerates the attack speed of heroes depending on how many of the same heroes are on the battlefield.

For example, when five of the same hero are on the battlefield, the attack speed will be extremely fast.

You should use Alter of Heroes and Alter of Greed so that the number of high-rank units on the field is as large as possible. This will give you an edge in battle and help you reach a higher level.

Level Up Your Heroes

A bow is a perfect weapon for Evan as he has a decent base damage output and a swift 1.20 attack speed, making him the ideal choice for dealing damage among the heroes you can choose from.

evan in king god castle

Because a percentage with these bows increases Evan’s attack speed, his already high base speed will be even faster than it would be with a hero with a slower attack speed.

Example: The attack rate can be doubled when a 100% bonus is applied from a bow. For example, a 1.20 attack rate would become 2.40, and a 0.67 attack rate would become 1.34.

The goal of Leon, Evan, and Daniel is to repeat Chapter 1, gradually increasing the challenge points until they reach level 4.

At the same time, Aramis and Pryia receive a slightly lower but still respectable level. The use of Daniel and Pryia will not be as extensive in this process, so they must have enough security in case luck isn’t with them early.

It is best to place Leonhardt on the front lines to serve as a tank and Evan on the backlines to deal damage. Adding Aramis and Priya to the mix is possible if too many melee units exist. Evan 1 and Evan 2 should be equipped with bows and swords, and Evan 2 with staffs to maximize their potential.

Prepare for the Arena

Before reaching level 5, prioritize your points towards the Altar of Blood. This won’t make much difference, but you should still do so before completing the Rapid Sword quest. Once you reach this point, your main focus should be on the Altar of Hero and Alter of Greed.

  • level 5 – Hero 5
  • level 10 – Hero 10 (up to hero 14)
  • level 15 – Hero 10 + Greed 5
  • level 20 – Hero 15 + Greed 10
  • level 25 – Hero 15 + Greed 10

In Chapter 2, the challenge is minimal, so the best approach is to move through the chapter without worrying about increasing difficulty.

Farming chapter 3 can be beneficial until a player has reached their desired level, has acquired enough resources to move on to the next chapter, or has completed all available missions and challenges.

Altar level 10 (for hero 10)
Aramis and Leonhardt get a few more levels (no need to level up other heroes).

Ensure that your heroes reach the following levels:

  • Aramis (5)
  • Evan (4)
  • Daniel (4)
  • Leonhardt (4)
  • Priya (4)
  • Alberon (1

Unlocking the Alliance

At level 7, players can join an Alliance. This is beneficial as it provides access to additional gold when completing game activities. Additionally, members can exchange units and request help from one another.

For Evan 1, a bow and staff should be added to their position in the formation. Meanwhile, Evan 2 should be equipped with a sword.

Get Penetrating Spear From Arena

Upon reaching level 10, the Arena becomes accessible. The Penetrating Spear can only be acquired by winning battles and accumulating 80 points.

All Heroes have an increased range of 1 with this relic and increased damage when they are farther away from their target. Aramis can attack enemies from a distance with the Penetrating Spear.

Aramis Gang Build


Aramis gangs are a popular choice for many types of content, as they synergize well with Penetrating Spear and Rapid Sword.

This makes them an ideal choice for early arena content because opponents with low levels or no relics are plentiful.

Aramis tanks can absorb damage on the front line while many of their units attacks from the back line, allowing them to gain points and victories quickly.

When you have the fragment, you can begin getting the relic. You can either clear chapters one and two of the corrupted for Relic Chest Keys or use gold to open chests. Once you have the keys, you can open one or two chests and dismantle the contents to obtain dust.

To upgrade the Penetrating Spear to tier-2 (silver), you can purchase a Magical Combine Stone from the Event Shop. To reach tier-3 (gold), you can either repeat the upgrade process or farm chapter 5 and upgrade it later.

Upgrade Aramis and Leonhardt to Level 8

Afterward, you can advance to chapter 5 or add challenge points to obtain a scroll reward. In chapter 4, one can apply the same strategy as chapter 3 or take advantage of the Aramis Gang strategy.

Using Leonhardt as your tank and Aramis as your rear dps, farm chapters 5-6 until:

  • Aramis (level 8)
  • Leonhardt (level 8)
  • Tier-3 (gold) Penetrating Spear

Unlock Corrupted Chapters 6 and 7

Players must know the Crowd Control (CC) affects enemies may utilize, such as stun, fear, slow, and grab. If too much CC incapacitates a team’s best damage dealer, they will struggle to clear the chapter.

Using a ‘Weak Aramis’ as a distraction, you can draw enemy fire away from your ‘Strong Aramis.’ By doing this, you can protect them from harm and keep them safe.

Here are my recommendations for chapter 6:

Paying attention to their behavior and using bait to draw them away from your units is important when engaging enemies.

Placing a tank away from Aramis will protect him from being hooked while using Aramis as bait for rock throwers who target units furthest away is also beneficial.

When fighting the boss, it is best to use only Aramis and strategically position the strongest Aramis in the center and the weaker ones on the edges.

Chapter 7

If you’re unfamiliar with the concepts in Chapter 7, the best way to approach them is to take the time to review and understand the material.

To defeat the Banshee, placing one Aramis in front of her and a tank beside Aramis is best. This will cause fear to push Aramis to the backline.

To draw the reaper away, another weaker Aramis should be used to bait him. Leonhardt should be placed in the back to face the reaper. However, care should be taken to ensure that the second Aramis is not placed too far back, as the reaper has a large area of damage.

Additionally, the Aramis should have enough HP to survive the first stun wave from the Banshee. With this strategy, overcoming her fear and stun waves should be possible.

Farm Corrupted Chapter 7 To Get Rapid Sword

Once you have cleared the corrupted chapters 1 and 2, the next chapters, 3 and 4, become more complicated. You will need to be prepared to face more enemies, so using units with a high area of effect damage, such as Mel, is advisable.

When it comes to the boss fight in Corrupted chapter 5, it can be quite challenging. If the skill area has multiple units, he’ll act faster and drain more HP.

One way to work around this is to separate one or two Aramis from the group, so they can act as a decoy to draw the boss’s attention away from Leonhardt’s front line.

For a successful run through Corrupted chapter 6, it is important to have Aramis at tier-3 as early as possible. This can be achieved through luck or double-leveling up through the rounds in the Altar of Heroes.

The Rock Thrower Orc, lacking a helmet, will direct its attack toward Leonhardt. If both Leonhardts fall, it would be wise to use Aramis as a decoy to draw the attention of the Orc and send it towards the furthest target.

King God Castle

Once you have obtained Rapid Sword fragments, you can progress further into the game. Chapter 7 is the main goal, so farming is needed to get the fragments. Although you need to complete the mission, failure isn’t an issue, as you can still get the fragments.

Roshan Khausiya is an avid gamer passionate about playing games and exploring the virtual world. His love for gaming started at a very young age, and he has since then devoted most of his time to mastering different games across various platforms. Follow Him on Linkedin and Twitter.