Hero Siege – Complete Mercenaries Strategy 2025

| Updated On : April 19, 2024 |
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Mercenaries are invaluable allies, offering your character a range of bonuses and extra stats. Hiring one only requires 10,000 crystals and speaking to a nearby NPC.

Your mercenary’s level is always the same as your hero, with its own talent tree, so spending points on abilities that will benefit your hero the most is important.

There are three types of mercenaries, each with their own skill tree, and they can be hired from various towns across Hero Siege. They have their own special abilities and passive attributes, such as increased damage, extra health regeneration, and higher chances of stunning foes and bosses.

Gearing Mercenaries

Equipping your mercenary with Magic Find% and Exp Gain% is important to benefit your character’s stats.

Not only that, they’ll need to be properly geared with suitable defenses to prevent them from untimely deaths, which would require a hefty payment of 10,000 crystals to revive them.

Knight (Act 1 – Town of Inoya)


If you are looking for a mercenary to help you, the Knight in the Town of Inoya is a great place to start. This experienced warrior is ready to lend a hand and make sure you get the job done right.

There are several reasons why knights are useful:

  • Regeneration of health
  • Taunting enemies (works only for enemies visible on screen, not the whole map)
  • Stunning your enemies
  • Taunts return damage
  • The Armor Breaks

A village called Mos’Arathim (Act 3 – Archer Act)

If you’re looking for a second mercenary, the Archer in the Village of Mos’Arathim is ideal.
With their great archery skills, they can provide you with expert support and guidance.

They are a reliable and trustworthy ally to have on your side, so if you’re in need of a professional mercenary, the Archer in Mos’Arathim is the perfect fit.

The following are some of the uses of archers:

  • Hit life
  • Speed bonus for passive attacks
  • Taking down the enemy

Increasing the attack speed of an Archer gives you an edge in combat, allowing you to break enemy resistances and drastically raise your damage output. You can take out enemies quicker and more efficiently with a faster attack speed.

The Archer is an invaluable asset to any hero, and their damage output can be greatly enhanced by using Archer Talents.

These talents can provide a variety of boosts to the Archer’s performance, such as increased attack speed, critical hit chance, and even increased damage.

Learn More on Hero Seige:

Magister (Act 6 – Dawn’s Chapel)

The Magister is the third mercenary you can find in Dawn’s Chapel.
Their mastery of various weapon styles provides an invaluable level of support and offensive power.

The following are some of the purposes of magisters:

  • Absorption of attacks
  • Reset hero cooldowns and buff hero abilities
  • Boost maximum mana and mana regeneration
  • Buffs player power and Magister ability power


The Archer class may not seem like they have much to offer regarding combat power, but they can be incredibly useful in controlling groups of mobs.

By attacking from a distance, mobs can be grouped together, making it easier to hit them with your strongest spells.

Knights are also great for crowd control and can protect much damage, allowing you to spam your abilities without running out of mana. Depending on your class, utilizing these classes in battle can be especially helpful in pushing harder content.

Roshan Khausiya is an avid gamer passionate about playing games and exploring the virtual world. His love for gaming started at a very young age, and he has since then devoted most of his time to mastering different games across various platforms. Follow Him on Linkedin and Twitter.