Snowbreak Containment Zone Tier List Guide

| Updated On : July 30, 2023 |
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Are you stuck trying to pick the best characters for snowbreak containment zone? Then here in this blog post, you will find snowbreak containment zone tier list, which ranks all characters from SS Tier to B Tier. With each character possessing its unique attack, defense, and support abilities.

This guide will make it easier for players to choose the right heroes for their team. We have analyzed the powers of these characters in detail and different gameplay environments to create this tier list so that beginner players can easily choose their favorite and most powerful characters so; let us help you to become the best players with the ultimate character in this game so, without any further delay lets begin :

Snowbreak Containment Zone Tier List:

After playing this game for a longer time and carefully checking the various abilities and powers of all the characters, it’s clear that the top tier is Wild Hunt Lyfe, Fritia, and YAO(Winter Solstice).

And except for them, let’s not overlook the other noteworthy characters that have earned a place in my heart Fenny (Lionheart), Cherno Kegaard, and Mauxir.

Tier Rankcharacters

Lyfe Wild Hunt
Acacia Kaguya
Yao Winter

Fenny Lion

Fritia Hush
Fenny Coronet

Marian Queen
Acacia Reda
Cherno Those

Fritia Little Sun
Chenxing Obs

YAO Quite

Enya Big Sis
Marian Swift

Lyfe Wednesday
Haru The Ace
Nita Hands
Ling Yi
Mauxir Kitty

SS Tier Ranking Explanations

Fritia Ignis


Fritia lacks long-range targeting skills but easily overrides this issue with her powerful fire pillar attack. This unique ability inflicts thermal DMG on her short-range target dealing significant damage and giving her teammates a chance to attack and defeat the enemy.

In terms of neuronics, both support skill neuronics are highly valuable. If deployed as an active operative, it is advisable to prioritize her active skill neuronic, which extends its range and improves group control.

Fritia specializes in close-range combat and delivers devastating damage with her fire pillar. She enhances her allies’ chances of defeating enemies and is a supportive operative.
Beyond her performance as an active operative, her real strength lies in her ability to boost her team’s damage output.

When facing boss enemies, Fritia can maximize her potential by utilizing the Strawberry Shortcake assault rifle, enhancing each attack by 7.4%.

YAO (Winter Solstice)


YAO., also known as winter solstice, is a formidable sub-DPS Operative who has a highly powerful sniper rifle as it allows her to deal high damage to long-range targets.

Additionally, she benefits from the protective abilities of her Winter Solstice’s Solar Armor, which protects against enemy attacks. When engaged in combat, her armor is the primary damage recipient.

One of the most powerful strengths lies in her ability to eliminate most of the enemies with a single shot, and her special skill, “Scorching Sun Awakening,” not only causes a devastating explosion upon impact but also affects nearby enemies, amplifying its destructive impact.

While she is a skilled sniper, she can rapidly fire with an endless magazine during her active ability known as fire minute break this ability allows her to provide healing support to her teammates.

Unlocking her neuronics is essential, and equipping her with a Frost sniper ensures optimal efficiency. Choosing Olympus as her weapon would be an excellent decision.

And suppose you are seeking to enhance YAO’s DPS Capabilities. In that case, I suggest you activate both skill neuronics as this upgrade allows her to maximize the damage output and focus on the neuronics that allows her to support the skill’s healing drone to follow to provide added flexibility during gameplay.

YAO’s support abilities extend beyond healing. She creates the Winter Solar Corona Trap through her “Obsidian Core Impact” skill, aiding her allies in battle. Furthermore, this trap gains an additional burning effect, further incapacitating enemies.

Wild Hunt Lyfe


Wild hunt lyfe is a highly skilled operative known for her exceptional performance. She has a unique ability that allows her to inflict frost damage on enemies without any interruptions continuously, and her skills of “Frost wolves” causes an explosive impact on nearby enemies when it hits the ground as this ability reduces enemy’s buffs and allows her teammates to eliminate the enemy.

Additionally, the wolf’s fang skill activates her debuff, which freezes the targeted enemy for four seconds. After unlocking the no-end-in-sight manifestation, the frost wolf skill increases damage taken by enemies by 12%.

However, her abilities face limitations when dealing with armored foes due to factors such as SMG’s reflection rate, damage dropoff, and recoin inaccuracy.

The preferred Neuronic for her is Stardust memory which improves her capabilities. For getting maximized performance, I suggest you use both active skill neuronic enhancements.

S Tier Ranking Explanations



Mauxir has a distinctive appearance thanks to his exceptional and fast speed. She has the skill to deal heavy damage to any enemy within a short period and even to increase this potential; she can eliminate the enemy’s avatar lol, resulting in devastating frost damage and allowing her to release up to 50% more attacks.

If you can unlock “Guilty as Charged” and “Joint Sins,” can overpower the enemy as these manifestations enhance frost damage, making it easier to defeat the foes. Her soul grab mechanic abilities that enable her to to overcome SMG Weakness and deliver extra damage to the bosses.

While Mauxir excels in boss battles, he may encounter challenges when dealing with mobs. However, his Manifest Power remains useful even without manifests, though investing in manifests can yield additional benefits. For his weapon choice, Hypochlorous Acid is the preferred option.

When considering Neuronics, both active skill neuronics should be prioritized, while the impact of the others on his performance is relatively lower.

Lyfe :

Lyfe is Wednesday’s budget version of her SSR varient. Her unique ability allows her to rain continuous missiles on enemies and leave them electrified. She excels at short-range combat, and her submachine gun means long-range targets are out of reach.

Lyfe inflicts massive electrical damage that freezes emeies for solid four seconds. To maximize her power, equip her with a “work in progress” submachine gun and try to unlock all her manifestations, as teams will be highly benefit from it.

Upgrade her abilities with neuronics, particularly those that refresh drone duration, to further enhance her performance.

Queen of Pain Marian:

Marian, the queen of pain, is an extraordinary character with many remarkable abilities. Her DPS is impressive, and she can provide invaluable support to her team.

Her active skill is a smoke screen with a short cooldown, increasing her movement speed and disorienting the enemy, and creating opportunities for her teammate.

Her ultimate skill is very powerful and has low energy cost allowing her to take down mini-bosses easily. Once you combine this with her passive buff to ADS ballistic damage, it makes her a formidable force on the battlefield.

If you want to maximize her performance more, prioritize her ultimate neuronics first, upgrading the other four and using a mark of Mesmer that can enhance her ADS Playstyle.

Lionheart Fenny


Lion heat fenny is a powerful character designed for short-ranged battles against enemies. Her expertise lies in releasing the powerful “Queen Bee” Ability using her short gun, which delivers kinetic DMG to the enemy eight times as it doesn’t only inflict damage but also temporarily freezes the enemy’s special abilities.

She is a powerful asset to any team due to her impressive compact powers and support capabilities. She is one of only two operatives in the game that can enhance operative using her support skill.

Her active skill, Optimal Condition, provides her with self-buffs that greatly enhance her overall performance. In contrast, her ultimate skill, Center Stage, unleashes area-of-effect actions that can provide some breathing room for strategy and execution.

Coronet remains useful without elaborate manifests, but her Manifest 1 offers a significant power boost. Sunny Payback can also greatly simplify gameplay.

All six of her neuronics offer considerable value, and investing in them is worthwhile.

Cherno Kegaard:


Cherno Kegaard is an average DPS and Sub DPS with unique battlefield abilities. Her active skill can debuff enemies and slower their movement, while her support skill allows her to make strategies based upon the environment.

Her ultimate ability, Clear Empty Skies, summons Beloberg to deal impressive damage. Players should use the manifest one control setup to get the most out of Cherno, ensuring she reaches her baseline performance. She can be played offensively when paired with the Arctic Fox or defensively as an off-tank.

A Tier Ranking Explanation

Enya Murphy

Enya Murphy is a reliable operative mostly known for her blanching skills. She is Armed with a powerful gun that can do thermal damage to her enemies, and she can provide valuable support to her team, too but she is not ideal for a boss fight.

When using her active skill, “Nature’s Gifts,” Enya’s passive buff can interrupt enemy special skills while increasing the team boss’s damage per second. Her special skill, “Mud Ball” can create an explosion after a 5-second delay as her abilities are great for both mobbing and single target DPS But her skill is not effective against large groups of enemies.

Her abilities can be increased when her neuronic are upgraded, especially her support neuronics, which can amplify the power of winter solstice.

With the Prismatic Igniter, her support abilities are further enhanced. Investing in upgrading her neuronics is highly recommended to maximize her support capabilities with Winter Solstice.

Swift Marian:


Marian Andreotti, better known as Swift, is an expert marksman with an impressive arsenal of sniper rifles renowned for her high damage per second (DPS) And her fearlessness in the face of danger, as she can pinpoint her enemy’s weak spots and can damage and impair their special skills with debuff.

Her unlimited skill can sustain the duration of these impairments for an additional 10 seconds, allowing her allies to retaliate. Her precision and versatility make her a formidable force in any battle, as her skills are on the next level.

Fenny (Coronet):


Coronet Fenny is an electrical support character that can significantly increase the strength of the Thunder team. Her buff can benefit her allies by boosting their performance and shooting speed.

With her Optimal Condition and Center Stage active skills, she has the potential to shred boss health bars quickly and crowd controls enemies.

Moreover, her support skill increases the value of the active operative. Unlocking the Super Idol manifestation further amplifies her electrical damage by 10%. Investing in Sunny Payback weapons and neuronics are also recommended for added quality of life and power improvement.

Quite Quitter YAO:

YAO is the perfect addition to any team as a supportive character; her remarkable Healing Ability enables her to restore the HP of your allies with her Paid Overtime skill.

She deploys a healing winter light device that plays a vital role in replenishing the HP of your team members.

Additionally, her special ability to provide substantial buff means that HP Recovery is within the safe zone and begins every 0.5 seconds. With her skill in healing ability, she is the perfect choice for support to ensure your allies are in good condition.

B Tier Ranking Explanations:



Acacia is an operative perfect for dealing with a group of enemies. Her spokes-of-wheel ability inflicts chaos DMG to a single enemy slowing movement for 5 Seconds.

When she unlocks her manifestations, her attack power and debuff strength increase significantly, making her a valuable asset for DPS operatives.

Her active skill of throwing bouncing daggers is perfect for mobbing, while her upgraded ultimate ability enhances her damage output and slows down bosses. To maximize her skill damage, Nexus is the ideal choice for enhancement.

Naruse Haru


Naruse Haru is an interesting character in the game who can be quite useful for players. With her mechanical arm, she can dish out damage to enemies and become even stronger in the pistol category when all her manifestations are unlocked.

Unfortunately, her kit is awkward, as her abilities don’t work well together. Her active skill, Triple Tap, requires charging to maximize its damage, but this takes away precious time that could be used for shooting instead.

Her ultimate ability, Sword of Oaths, is meant to apply a knock-up and provide follow-up damage, but it doesn’t offer either with much success. Her Vanishing Phantom support ability has a very limited range, thus reducing its effectiveness as an execution move.

Despite upgrades and enhancements, Haru’s Star Ocean weapon might not be the best choice due to her current performance. It’s important to analyze her abilities and develop the best approach carefully to bring out her full potential.

C Tier Ranking Explanations

Ling Yi :


Ling Yi is a well-rounded character with a specialty in electrical abilities whose skills allow him to cause electrical damage to all enemies on the battlefield.

He isn’t the type to take charge of a situation or have extraordinary support abilities.



Nita is a powerful support character in the game, utilizing her Shotgun and Vrishavahana skill to deliver powerful blows to nearby enemies. She also has access to the Rudra attack, which can disrupt the enemy’s special skill and give her allies an edge.

Her HP and attack power increase significantly when unlocking her Mahadeva and Bhutapala manifestations, and her active ability acts as an effective crowd-control tool.

However, she doesn’t have the necessary damage output to be a viable DPS or the mobility of Lionheart, so it may be more beneficial to focus on overall DPS output. Her Precious Baby weapon can also enhance her survivability, though it’s not essential now.


How Many Characters Are There In Snowbreak: Containment Zone?

There are a total of 12 characters in the snowbreak containment zone.

Where Can I Find More Codes (Updates and News)?

Bookmark our site as we provide snowbreak containment zone codes that work, so don’t be slow to grab those codes.

Best Characters in Snowbreak Containment Zone?

The best characters in this game can be:

  • Lyfe Wild Hunt
  • Acacia Kaguya
  • Acacia Kaguya
  • Yao Winter
  • Fenny Lion


Roshan Khausiya is an avid gamer passionate about playing games and exploring the virtual world. His love for gaming started at a very young age, and he has since then devoted most of his time to mastering different games across various platforms. Follow Him on Linkedin and Twitter.