Best Ships in One Piece Treasure Cruise

| Updated On : November 14, 2023 |
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Creating the perfect crew for Bandai’s mobile gatcha game One Piece Treasure Cruise is no easy feat. To ensure your team is as strong as possible, picking the right ship is key to increasing your overall power. With an array of characters, specials, and captain abilities, it can be difficult to know which ship will give you the boost you need.

Fortunately, plenty of guides help players find the best ship for their team. Whether it’s the Merry Go, Moby Dick, or another option, the right ship can make all the difference in the game. The right upgrade can also help you boost your HP, ATK, and other stats. With the help of these guides, you’ll be able to create the ultimate team and show the world what you’re made of!

The best ships in One Piece Treasure Cruise are:

  • Zunesha
  • Hoe
  • Moby Dick
  • Flying Dutchman
  • Revolutionary Army Blackbird
  • Germa 66 Ship

One Piece Treasure Cruise has some of the best ships in the game; with them, players can take their gameplay to the next level. These ships can make or break a game from the Thousand Sunny to the Coffin Boat.

They provide stat boosts that can help players hit perfects more often and make it easier to clear the toughest of stages. These ships are essential to story mode, as they can increase a player’s damage output and make it easier to make it through the more difficult stages.

Read More about : One Piece Treasure Cruise Tier List

best ships in One Piece Treasure Cruise

Ship:Ship Ability:Unlockable by #:
Zunesha: It boosts their ATK by 1.55x and HP by 1.25x, makes their TND and RCV orbs more beneficial, and even makes it easier for them to hit Perfects. Clear the 30 Gem unlockable Zunesha Island
Hoe: Those brave enough to embark on the voyage will be met with boosts to their ATK, HP, and a slight decrease in their HP at the start of battle. Clear the 30 gem unlockable Hoe Island
Moby Dick: It boasts an impressive 1.5x ATK boost, 1.4x HP boost, and a 50% HP reduction at the start of battle. Clear Whitebeard’s 0-Stamina Training Forest (Forest of Training: Beard)
Flying Dutchman: offering players a 1.5x boost to both ATK and EXP gained. This is further bolstered by a special ability that reduces the enemy's DEF by 25% for one turn. Purchase from Rayleigh’s Bazaar for 7500 points
Revolutionary Army Blackbirds: This ship's got it all - a 1.2x HP boost, a 1-turn cooldown reduction for all characters, and a 1.55x ATK boost for STR, DEX, and QCK characters Purchase from Rayleigh’s Bazaar for 7500 points.
Germa 66 Ship:The crew's starting cooldowns are reduced by two, and their attack and HP are boosted by 1.55x and 1.25x respectively. Additionally, it makes it easier to land perfects, and if you have a RCV or TND orb, it boosts the attack by an additional 1.1x, for a total of 1.705x.Clear the 30 gem unlockable Germa Ship Island

Fully upgraded, these ships are a powerhouse for any pirate, making their TND and RCV orbs beneficial, especially for Qck characters. Not only do they provide a 1.5x ATK boost, but they also increase the HP of characters of all five color types by 2. This can be useful when starting off a stage, as the RCV or TND orb is already present.

Plus, many ships, including the Going Merry and the Baratie, provide an additional 1.5x ATK boost at the start of a battle. This makes it easier to hit perfect and clear the stage with ease. With the help of these ships, players can delve into the world of anime and manga and improve their overall gameplay.


Please note that these listed ships are for general content like clearing colosseums, clashes, or the story mode. If you want to farm Beli or pure EXP to increase your pirate level, other ships may be more effective than others. For example, the best ship in OPTC to farm Beli is the Sexy Foxy, which boosts ATK by 1.5x, EXP gained by 1.2x, and Beli gained by 2x.

You may wonder which ship is best if you’re playing One Piece Treasure Cruise. Well, the answer is not so simple. Depending on your in-game objectives, many ships offer different bonuses. For instance, if you want to clear colosseums, clashes, or the story mode, you should consider ships that provide STR, DEX, HP boosts, or cooldown reduction.
On the other hand, if you’re looking to unlock characters or dive into the Forest of Training, you should look for ships that provide powerhouses and cerebral characters with a 2x boost at the start.

If you’re looking for a bad-to-decent ship, you can easily find one in-game or on some fan sites, Reddit posts, GameFaqs Q&As, or even on CDs of all characters. No matter what type of ship you choose, there is bound to be one that is perfect for your adventure!


If you’re looking to up your game in One Piece Treasure Cruise, then the best ship for speed teams is the Shark Superb. This impressive vessel boosts ATK by 2x, reduces CD of all characters by one at the start of a battle, and makes PERFECTs easier to hit.

However, the ATK will slowly decrease every turn until it reaches 1.3x after 10 turns if the captain is STR, DEX, or QCK. While the Dinghy is the weakest ship in the game, it is still worth saving up your Cola to unlock one of the event ships, as they provide the best boost in stats. This will help you tackle the toughest of bosses and switch up your characters by 2 at the start to keep you on your feet!


Roshan Khausiya is an avid gamer passionate about playing games and exploring the virtual world. His love for gaming started at a very young age, and he has since then devoted most of his time to mastering different games across various platforms. Follow Him on Linkedin and Twitter.