Best Altars to Choose For Your Team

| Updated On : March 27, 2023 |
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The suitable altar selection is one of the most crucial considerations when building the perfect squad. Your team’s success in any effort can be based on this one decision.

Best Altars in King God Castle:

You can’t go wrong with the King God Castle altars if you’re looking for the best altars for your castle. There is an appropriate altar for you, whether you want to boost your magical prowess, boost your heroes, or do everything in between.

King God Castle Best Altars

There is an altar for every need, ranging from the Hero Altar, frequently used for its powerful effects, to the Witch Altar for enhancing your magical talents to the Lucky Altar for bringing luck. Find the best altar for your setup by looking at the many altars!

Hero Altar

Row 1:

on the field of battle? With the 15% perk at maximum points, you can obtain a tier+ hero. If you choose a scroll in the middle of a battle, your chances of getting a tier-2 Hero rise.

Although it’s a challenging effort, the prize is worth it. What else? 15% of the time, the altar will summon a tier-3 hero.

Row 2:

Additionally, you can combine two tier-1 heroes to create a tier-2 hero. To get a tier-3 hero, double that by two. Or, if you’re in a higher tier, you can create a tier-7 hero by combining two tier-5 heroes.

Get your hands on a level-4 blue book for that extra edge. Thanks to this book, any hero at tier-4 or lower will gain a tier-5 bonus. It’s the most beneficial free upgrade available.

Where can Hero Altar work?

You can go right with setting up a Hero Altar in your build. With a random 15% chance of a fortuitous double-up, you can get the winning edge you need for success in PvE and PVP.

Blacksmith Altar

blacksmith altar

Row 1:

When crafting, adventurers have the chance to upgrade their items. After completing rounds 4, 9, 14, and 19, a popup will appear, offering a 30% chance to boost the quality of the object.

This could be anything from a book to a scroll to money, and all of them start as tier-1. With a successful upgrade, a tier-1 sword could become a tier-2, greatly helping those needing specific items for their build.

Row 2:

At the beginning of the game, you can roll the dice for an assured tier-3 item. Getting the Blacksmith is necessary for a lone-wolf build since it gives you the edge in the long run.

Row 3:

You’re in luck on rounds 4, 9, 14, and 19! You’ll have the chance to choose one of three items as your default when forging an item.

But wait, there’s more! This bonus also allows you to roll three items twice, stack the odds in your favor and get the build and gear you want for the Hero on the field.

Where can Blacksmith Altar work?

The Smith Altar is excellent for players who run solo builds with either the Mask relic or a focused build centered around a single hero. Chung Ah and Hansi have examples of incredible solo builds that exploit this strategy.

Blood Altar

blood altar

Row 1-

Aramis strikes the target with a deadly force and siphons off 30% of that damage as health, restoring a portion of his vitality.

His attack deals a devastating 100 points of damage, while also granting him 30 points of life.

Row 2-

This perk boosts your Hero’s health based on their number of attacks. When maxed out, it gives a 100% boost to their health, so a unit with 500 attacks can gain an additional 500 hit points.

Row 3-

All heroes on the battlefield are given two stacks of might blocks at the start of each skirmish, providing them with an additional line of defense against any incoming damage.

Considering the potential force of the first two blows, this barrier provides excellent protection. Some boss strikes can, however, get through its defense.

Where can Blood Altar work?

The Blood Altar can be a lifesaver when lifesteal is critical for a build. Just look at a Hansi construction. With no self-healing abilities, her lightning-quick attacks can only get her so far.

But with 30% lifesteal, it’s often more than enough to outlast the enemy’s healing output. And remember, Might Blocks can also come in handy in a pinch. The bottom line, the Blood Altar is essential if you want to stay alive in tough fights.

Giant Altar

giant altar

Row 1:

All your heroes in Row 1 will get a damage-reflection buff. Up to 22,5% of all damage they take will be bounced back, sending it right back at the attacker.

This works especially well with tanks like Leonhardt and other heroes with built-in reflectivity. It’s a great way to counter attack-based strategies in PvP.

Row 2 :

Based on how much health your heroes have during a battle, this perk increases the damage they deal. When your heroes are at their peak, they receive an additional 3% of their HP as an attack, providing your team with a significant increase in damage.

Row 3:

For heroes, row 3 provides an effective defensive benefit. It is useful for builds that suffer a lot of punishment because it provides a significant 20% damage reduction. Thanks to this perk, your Hero will be able to withstand a significant amount of incoming damage.

Where can Giant Altar work?

Adding 15 huge altars to your build will help survivability if you’re trying to strengthen your PvE squad. You can increase your damage reduction and reflect skills with these altars, making it easier to escape difficult circumstances. Even if it isn’t as common as in PvP builds, it can still be an excellent way to give your team an advantage.

Mage Altar

Mage altar

Row 1 :

Your team on the battlefield will now get a massive mana boost of +75% before the battle even begins. This means your heroes can unleash their skills faster than ever, giving them a huge edge in spell-based fights.

Row 2 :

Whenever a champion is wounded on the battlefield, they can recover a small portion of their MP. This bonus can reach up to 150% at its peak, granting heroes an extra boost in replenishing their magical reserves.

Row 3:

Use the combined strength of your units by chaining skills! Allow the Hero who strikes the fatal blow to the enemy to regain 99% of their MP so they can continue on the assault. This combination can be a fantastic technique to eliminate enemies swiftly and effectively.

Where can Mage Altar work?

The Mage Altar is suitable for mages that use mana-based spells. Yeon, Priya, and Asaiq are characters who can benefit the most from it.

It works well with Bombie builds if you want to increase the power of your spells at the start of a game. Additionally, it is necessary for PvP techniques like the trio and Bombie gang.

Greed Altar

altar of greed

Row 1 :

You receive seven silver pieces at the start of a round. With the extra boost of fifteen silver pieces this perk provides, you start the game with a full deposit of silver and possible fighting points.

The base quantity of silver you begin with may change depending on the kind of stuff you’re working on, but the bonus never changes.

Row 2 :

A PvE chapter fight rewards players with an elite round with elite enemies every five rounds. For those who manage to get the maximum points, they get to enjoy an extra +15 silver, which goes a long way in building up their squad.

Row 3 :

As a player, you’ll find a merchant roaming around with a selection of goods. Doing PvP or PvE, you can take advantage of a 40% discount on all items when you reach the max point count on the altar.

Where can Greed Altar work?

Any effective PvE or PvP build should maximize your silver and army size; altars like Hero are the best way to do this. You can create a powerful team to defeat opponents using altars like Hero, which benefit both silver and army size.


Which team is best in King God Tower?

The bardrey and alberon team are the best in king god tower as if you want to take over the king god tower, Mel must be on your team since he has the key to success.

Who is the best healer in King God Castle?

Alberon is the best healer in king god’s castle. He’s one of the five Hero Lock characters, and his healing capabilities make him invaluable in PvE, especially in raids.

How do you awaken the Hero in King God Castle?

You can awaken heroes’ power by completing chapters, shopping in the daily store, purchasing scrolls in the shop, and using experience books.

Roshan Khausiya is an avid gamer passionate about playing games and exploring the virtual world. His love for gaming started at a very young age, and he has since then devoted most of his time to mastering different games across various platforms. Follow Him on Linkedin and Twitter.